I never fully appreciated all of the storage features the Journey has until I started traveling with my 18-month old son. It seems like we have so many additional things to bring for him that we need to utilize all the storage space we can!

My absolute favorite feature of the Journey is that I can plug my ipod into the glove box interface and my radio becomes my ipod. It is awesome! The dual climate control also makes for a much more peaceful ride, as I am always cold and my husband is always hot.

The floor storage bins in the second row can be ice chests! I packed it with our favorite drinks and snacks.

I knew we were in for at least a 6 hour drive so I brought along my son's portable DVD player. The Journey's passenger seat lifts up and has hidden storage! This is perfect for hiding your purse when you're in the gym or just quickly running into a store. For this occasion, I put the DVD player in there so I would know where to find it when I needed it!

The Journey also features a mirror that lets you easily see the back seat without turning around. I use this alot! It is so convenient, especially when you are on the freeway and can't turn around.

The floor storage bins in the second row can be ice chests! I packed it with our favorite drinks and snacks.

I knew we were in for at least a 6 hour drive so I brought along my son's portable DVD player. The Journey's passenger seat lifts up and has hidden storage! This is perfect for hiding your purse when you're in the gym or just quickly running into a store. For this occasion, I put the DVD player in there so I would know where to find it when I needed it!

The Journey also features a mirror that lets you easily see the back seat without turning around. I use this alot! It is so convenient, especially when you are on the freeway and can't turn around.

I have been so happy with my Dodge Journey and would definitely recommend this car! As always, if you have any questions or comments, email me at kori@getdodge.com.
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