Kori's Corner
Welcome to our new Column
Hi, my name is Kori. This is my new 'corner'. The purpose of this column is to keep you up to speed on everything at Glenn E Thomas Dodge Chrysler Jeep. I am also here for you, as a customer, to be your concierge. If you have any questions, comments, or just random facts of knowledge, I am here for you. Since I am married to the owner’s son, I tend to have some pull with the big man upstairs in the corner office. So reach me at kori@getdodge.com for all your needs.
About Me...
I am an average 20 something mom and do things average women my age do. Most my days are spent chasing around my one year old son; however, we do have fun and try to make the most of each day. I'm sure our outings and crazy adventures will be logged for your enjoyment. I enjoy walks along the beach, baking, watching good TV shows, milk chocolate candies, and diet coke. I am excited to be writing this monthly column, and hopefully you will find my life and the life of GET Dodge Chrysler Jeep somewhat interesting.
As I mentioned above I am big fan of good TV shows. Which got me thinking the other night about what Chrysler product some of my favorite characters would drive? Let’s take a ride and find out.
Jack Bauer (24): By the way, doesn’t it feel good to have Jack back? Holy hiatus. This show left my Monday nights lacking real substance for way too long. Seriously, don’t mess with Jack. Must I take you back to last season when Jack bit that dude’s neck to get out of interrogation? That is why he drives a Dodge Charger RT. Mean, tough and fast. I reiterate...don't mess with Jack.
Don Draper (Mad Men): Classy Executive but needs room for the family (no, I am not talking about his mistresses, his real family) Easy pick, the Chrysler 300. Luxury, classy, roomy.
Michael Scott (The Office): This is easy, he drives a Sebring. The show already got this one for me. Doesn't the Sebring just scream Michael Scott? Enough said.
McDreamy (Grey’s Anatomy): Good looking, edgy, has that mountain house (oh wait, it's a trailer). Obviously he belongs in a Jeep Wrangler.
Audrina (The Hills) – This is easy, we already got her in a Challenger.
Check out GET Employees Brad and Victor with Audrina! That was a tough day at work for these two...
Welcome to our new Column
Hi, my name is Kori. This is my new 'corner'. The purpose of this column is to keep you up to speed on everything at Glenn E Thomas Dodge Chrysler Jeep. I am also here for you, as a customer, to be your concierge. If you have any questions, comments, or just random facts of knowledge, I am here for you. Since I am married to the owner’s son, I tend to have some pull with the big man upstairs in the corner office. So reach me at kori@getdodge.com for all your needs.
About Me...
I am an average 20 something mom and do things average women my age do. Most my days are spent chasing around my one year old son; however, we do have fun and try to make the most of each day. I'm sure our outings and crazy adventures will be logged for your enjoyment. I enjoy walks along the beach, baking, watching good TV shows, milk chocolate candies, and diet coke. I am excited to be writing this monthly column, and hopefully you will find my life and the life of GET Dodge Chrysler Jeep somewhat interesting.
As I mentioned above I am big fan of good TV shows. Which got me thinking the other night about what Chrysler product some of my favorite characters would drive? Let’s take a ride and find out.
Jack Bauer (24): By the way, doesn’t it feel good to have Jack back? Holy hiatus. This show left my Monday nights lacking real substance for way too long. Seriously, don’t mess with Jack. Must I take you back to last season when Jack bit that dude’s neck to get out of interrogation? That is why he drives a Dodge Charger RT. Mean, tough and fast. I reiterate...don't mess with Jack.
Don Draper (Mad Men): Classy Executive but needs room for the family (no, I am not talking about his mistresses, his real family) Easy pick, the Chrysler 300. Luxury, classy, roomy.
Michael Scott (The Office): This is easy, he drives a Sebring. The show already got this one for me. Doesn't the Sebring just scream Michael Scott? Enough said.
McDreamy (Grey’s Anatomy): Good looking, edgy, has that mountain house (oh wait, it's a trailer). Obviously he belongs in a Jeep Wrangler.
Audrina (The Hills) – This is easy, we already got her in a Challenger.
Check out GET Employees Brad and Victor with Audrina! That was a tough day at work for these two...

Neal Caffrey (White Collar): The only car fitting of Neal is the Dodge Viper. Sophisticated, good looking con artist turned FBI agent. A man who knows what he wants and gets it. That is why he drives the Viper!
Tim Riggins (Friday Night Lights): Dodge Ram. Riggins is tough, rugged, and strong. He needs to be able to pick up a keg after practice, grab his lady and be the life of the party. Perfect fit for the Ram!
Thank you for taking this TV character drive with me. I look forward to hearing from you. We welcome your comments, questions, and even your complaints. Anything that I can do, please let me know. I am here for you! Email me at kori@getdodge.com.
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